How does your investment offering work?

The homeowner sells a percentage of the future potential increase in value of their home to QuantmRE. In exchange we pay the homeowner with US$. This real estate asset that we have purchased from the homeowner, goes into a pool with other investments made in other...

What are the advantages to being an investor in EQRE?

For an investor, EQRE represents an equity ownership interest in a pool of Home Price Movement agreements with the owners of single family residences across the US. As managers of this pool of real estate equity assets, our objective is for the EQRE tokens to...

How have SFRs as an asset class performed historically?

Since post WWII, SFRs have appreciated on average of about 4.3% per annum, which is slightly above long-term inflation. There have been periods of volatility over the last 100 years along, notably as seen in the recent financial crisis, but ultimately house values...